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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Public Speaking Coaching:How to Get, or Come Close to Getting, the Fee You Ask For

One of the most frequently asked questions  I receive  from budding speakers involves how to much to charge for a  presentation. New speakers always tend to undervalue themselves and  are afraid to set a respectable fee.

My advice  is to decide on two fees  that  are reasonable, one for profit groups and one for non profit. When you decide on the fees you want to charge stick with them.  Don't give the person enquiring about your service the idea that you are shy or uncomfortable about asking to be well paid. 

Here is what I do and it is based on the fact that I want to work. If I receive an inquiry about dates and fees I always say in a confidant voice, " My fee for up to 90 minutes is $2500 plus expenses." I pause and let them consider the fee. If they respond with ," Oh that's beyond our budget." I immediately say, " How close can you come to my fee respecting both your budget and my need to earn a living?"  If they say "We can handle $1800 plus expenses." I am now faced with  the possibility of splitting the difference or accepting  their offer.

I feel that it is better to accept a lower offer than sitting at home receiving nothing. So if I have good feelings about the group, or like the venue etc. I will accept a lower fee. Many times the conference is at a beautiful resort in a great setting. This helps me make a quick decision.

If the person interested in hiring me states a figure that is ridiculously low I say that I can't even consider that  in fairness to  my other clients.

If I am allowed to sell my books and CDS after the talk I am able to significantly add to my take home pay. Be quite firm about selling at the back of the room when you  have settled for a lower fee.

I know there are speakers who won't budge on their fee. I respect that but I am not one of them.

For much more on getting paid to speak get your own Speaking for Profit and Pleasure System with 6 months FREE personal consultation with me via email  http://motivationalplus.com/cgi/a/t.cgi?completesystem

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