We all know that positive thoughts and visualization are really effective when it comes to re-educating our subconscious mind and changing our behavior.
My interest in the life changing power of positive thought and visualization started in my mid-twenties (quite a few years ago) when I picked up a copy of Norman Vincent Peale’s best seller “ The Power of Positive Thinking”.
I didn’t just read this book with interest and enthusiasm, I devoured it and followed its suggestions to the letter.
I recall posting quotations and affirmations on my bathroom mirror so I could read and repeat them while I shaved each morning. I memorized them and recited them while I drove to work. I pictured myself being what I envisioned. The process soon became an enjoyable habit.
Slowly I, and my wife, began to notice changes appear in my attitudes and behavior. I emphasize the word slowly here because things just didn’t change overnight. But change they did.
Years of worry, fear, anxiety, negativity and impatience just don’t disappear with the reading of one book. But the journey to peace, calmness and joy had definitely begun and results were apparent quite quickly.
In the intervening years I have continued to learn a great deal more about the power of positive thought to transform individual lives and even the world in which we live.
Great progress has been made in the area of mind /body research by people like Wayne Dyer, Herbert Benson, Deepak Chopra, Lynn McTaggart, Dr. Bernie Seigel, Carl Simonton MD just to name a few.
Their findings reveal a dimension to living positively that includes healing the body with the mind that goes beyond mere positive thinking.
On Positive Thoughts
I am the product of the thoughts I think therefore I choose to think positive thoughts.
A Positive Attitude attracts people to you, is a major factor in good health and is vital to the achievement of peace of mind. I commit to a positive attitude
Pain in life is inevitable- misery is optional.
A sour face is the result of sour thoughts.
Thoughts rule the world. Let positive, happy thoughts rule yours.
We are what we think.
All that we are arises
With our thoughts.
With our thoughts
We make our world.
Wisdom keeps you from making mistakes and comes from having made plenty of them.
Optimism is a lot like electricity... nothing much happens without it.
In our eagerness to give our children what we didn’t have as children we run the risk of not giving them the wonderful things we did have. MM
This article is an excerpt from Mike’s special report “121 Thoughts of Hope, Joy and Inspiration for Daily Living” (Quotations, Affirmations and Cartoons) If thoughts rule the world make sure positive thoughts rule yours.