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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Cartoons for Speakers


For much more on getting paid to speak check out my Speaking for Profit and Pleasure Mentoring Membership with 2 extra  month's free consultation with me via email


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Public Speaking Coaching: A Speaker's Prayer

I  don't know where I saw this but I do like it a lot.
A Speaker's Prayer

Lord, fill my mind with worthwhile stuff,
and nudge me when I've said enough.

For much more on getting paid to speak check out my complete  Speaking for Profit  and Pleasure System ( which includes 6 months FREE consultation with me via email)   

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Art of Motivational Speaking:How to Write and Organize a Speech People Want to Hear

When planning your speech always begin with a clear concise statement of the topic selected, expressed in a unique way. When the topic of the speech is written in your promotional material you want it to have some appeal. For example, I have a speech called "Irritations Bug Me" and others called "Light up with Laughter" and "Leadership is a Laughing Matter" I hope you see what I mean about having a catchy title that makes the audience want to hear more.

Research the subject thoroughly. Use the public library or the internet, or both to get more background material than you will ever need. Background material helps give you the confidence required to stand up in front of a group and speak.

Once you have researched your subject thoroughly you begin the editing and organizing process. You now have to decide what content you are going to use and what content you are going to file away in the back of your mind to draw on if necessary.

Don't try to tell the audience too much. Research suggests that people listening to a speaker can only digest six or seven points at one sitting. This is the one item in planning and delivering a speech that requires the most discipline from me. I always want to tell my audience everything I know on any subject. Don't do it.

Once you have determined the six or seven key concepts you are going to present, you begin to focus on how you are going to put them across. Because I rely heavily on the captivating power of story to inform, entertain and challenge my audiences, my presentations are heavily laced with anecdotes and stories connected directly to my six or seven key points. If someone asked me to identify the most important element in giving a successful talk it would be, "Tell the audience stories related to your theme."

Humour adds a great deal to any talk only if you are good at it. If, in your private life, you can make people laugh easily then you will be able to do so in your speech. If you aren't good at humour when you're with your friends avoid using humour in your presentations. If you do decide to use humour, be careful that your don't overuse it, unless of course your talk is on humour therapy or humour in the workplace. We all have had the experience of hearing someone try to be funny while speaking only to bomb hopelessly. There is nothing worse. The audience starts to feel sorry for the speaker and pray that the speech will be over soon to save further embarrassment.

If you follow these tips you will end up with a speech that people want to hear and pay for and that's what it is all about.

In this article I have given you a few ideas on how to plan and organize an effective speech.

 Get your own Speaking for Profit and Pleasure System with 6 months FREE personal consultation with me via email.

Mike is committed to helping others get started in the fascinating and profitable business of public speaking. http://www.mikemoorespeaks.com


Mike Moore, EzineArticles Platinum                              Author

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Public Speaking Coaching:The Awesome Power of Positive Thought


We all know that positive thoughts and visualization are really effective when it comes to re-educating our subconscious mind and changing our behavior. 

My interest in the life changing power of positive thought and visualization started in my mid-twenties (quite a few years ago) when I picked up a copy of Norman Vincent Peale’s best seller “ The Power of Positive Thinking”. 

 I didn’t just read this book with interest and enthusiasm, I devoured it and followed its suggestions to the letter.

I recall posting quotations and affirmations on my bathroom mirror so I could read and repeat them while I shaved each morning.  I memorized them and recited them while I drove to work. I pictured myself being what I envisioned.  The process soon became an enjoyable habit.

Slowly I, and my wife, began to notice changes appear in my attitudes and behavior. I emphasize the word slowly here because things just didn’t change overnight. But change they did.

Years of worry, fear, anxiety, negativity and impatience just don’t disappear with the reading of one book. But the journey to peace, calmness and joy had definitely begun and results were apparent quite quickly.

In the intervening years I have continued to learn a great deal more about the power of positive thought to transform individual lives and even the world in which we live.  

Great progress has been made  in the area of mind /body research by people like Wayne Dyer, Herbert Benson, Deepak Chopra,  Lynn McTaggart, Dr. Bernie Seigel, Carl Simonton MD just to name a few. 

Their findings reveal a dimension to living positively that includes healing the body with the mind that goes beyond mere positive thinking.

On Positive Thoughts

I am the product of the thoughts I think therefore I choose to think positive thoughts. 

A Positive Attitude attracts people to you, is a major factor in good health and is vital to the achievement of peace of mind.  I commit to a positive attitude 

Pain in life is inevitable- misery is optional.

A sour face is the result of sour thoughts.                                                                  

Thoughts rule the world. Let positive, happy thoughts rule yours. 

We are what we think.

      All that we are arises 

      With our thoughts.

      With our thoughts 

      We make our world.


Wisdom keeps you from making mistakes and comes from having made plenty of them. 

Optimism is a lot like electricity... nothing much happens without it. 

In our eagerness to give our children what we didn’t have as children we run the risk of not giving them the wonderful things we did have. MM


This article is an excerpt from Mike’s special report “121 Thoughts of Hope, Joy and Inspiration for Daily Living” (Quotations, Affirmations and Cartoons)   If thoughts rule the world make sure positive thoughts rule yours.
For the complete report visit http://motivationalplus.com/cgi/a/t.cgi?121inspiresp  

For much more on getting paid to speak check out my Speaking for Profit and Pleasure System  http://motivationalplus.com/cgi/a/t.cgi?completesystem

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Public Speaking Career:Back of the Room Sales

Move over Shakespeare.

I recently wrote this limerick while having coffee at my local "office" coffee shop, Tim Horton's. I hope that you find it as moving and inspirational as I did. I think it really shows that I have too much time on my hands.

There once was a speaker of note
To his talks his books he would tote
Oh how he'd try
To get people to buy
Without feeling they were grabbed by the throat.

That was so touching that I moved myself to tears.

In my private mentoring group  I give you usable information about how you can enter the profitable world of paid public speaking. For dozens more tips, tools, techniques and personal mentoring check out  my Speaking for Profit and Pleasure Private Membership site   http://motivationalplus.com/cgi/a/t.cgi?mentoring

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Public Speaking Coaching:Self Publish Your Writing

The Profitable World of Self Publishing
By Mike Moore

15 years ago I was a professional speaker desperately in need of my own book. After each presentation members of my audience would approach me and ask if had a book or a tape for sale. The need was obvious. The market existed. All I needed to do was write a book and bring it to my audiences. This is how my first book Embracing the Mystery was born.

I wrote nonstop for two months and finally had it written and illustrated with my own original cartoons. The question facing me now was who would be chosen from among thousands of publishers to bring my masterpiece to the waiting, eager multitudes. After many submissions to numerous publishing houses and many rejection slips, I finally found one who agreed to publish my book. The problem was that they couldn’t get around to it for about a year and a half. I would receive 20% of the retail cost of each copy sold and would have to do most of the promotion myself.

This arrangement just wasn’t satisfactory. I needed the book as soon as possible and I wanted to receive more than 20% of each copy sold. It was then that I decided to enter the world of self publishing and started Lifeline Publications.

Five hundred copies of Embracing the Mystery were printed as a test run and I sold them all within the year as “ back of the room” items at my speeches and seminars. Since I wasn’t on the road speaking 365 days of the year I wanted to have my book available for purchase seven days a week whether I was speaking or not. I had my webmaster create a store for me and connect it to my speaking website. I was in business.

With well chosen and well directed advertising online and off I began to receive orders in my mailbox and by email. As sales increased so did the number of published items in my store. At present I have a total of nine information products, manuals, books, tapes, and special reports available for purchase.

In my first year as a publishing tycoon I sold 300 copies of my products online alone and another 100 offline. Add these sales to those at my talks and you can see that I was off and running as a self publisher. The orders seem to increase in number each month.

Writers are no longer dependent on the acceptance and approval of editors and publishers. Using the internet as well as offline classified ads in popular magazines you can bring your writing directly to a wide and eager market. People are always seeking “ how to” information. In fact the most sought after items on the internet are information products. So if you research peoples’ needs, wants and interests then write to satisfy them you are going to sell effectively..

Self publishing is simple and cost effective especially if you print on demand. You don’t print a copy of your product until you get an order for that product. By doing this you avoid the cost of having 500 copies printed plus having to find storage space in your already cluttered basement.

If you have the writing bug and have received enough rejection slips to wallpaper a bedroom, try self publishing. When that first order comes in you will feel great satisfaction and a surge of self confidence which will, inevitably, result in more sales. You will be on your way to conquering the world of self publishing. GOOD LUCK!

Mike Moore is an international speaker and writer on humor and human potential. His most recent manual is How to Write and Publish Your Own Information Products.

For much more on getting paid to speak check out my  Speaking for Profit and Pleasure System with 6 months FREE personal consultation with me via email.  http://motivationalplus.com/cgi/a/t.cgi?completesystem